Any posts related to writing and publishing are on-topic, including your personal writing woes or kudos; your advice; or articles, challenges, tools, or techniques you want to share. All posts must allow comments and no one but a moderator should delete or screen comments because this is a community! We want conversation in our community, so we also encourage members to write posts that will invite discussion and sharing.
Please appropriately credit writers and publications when quoting or linking to work. If you are posting an image, include alt text to ensure our community is as accessible as possible. To that note, use the default font provided in the community. If you are using Rich Text for formatting, make sure your font text and size match the community default.
The Dreamwidth comm operates with moderated posting. During check-ins, or when other posts are planned, it may take some time for your post to appear. Most posts are approved within 24 hours. If a post is not appropriate in some way, you will be notified and have the opportunity to make changes.
Information about participating on Discord, including a server overview and guidelines for the Discord forums are available in the #server-guidelines on our Discord server.