If you have missed 4 check-ins following the May Check-In* or 6 check-ins following the September Check-In, you will be marked as inactive and removed from the community. From our experience, a member who is motivated and committed to making their goal will check in regularly. Members who fail to check in or communicate with the moderators about why they will miss a check-in tend to have lost interest and are no longer working toward their goal with the community.
A count of missed check-ins will be available on the Pledge Progress spreadsheet all members have access to.
*If you check in for the May Check-In, we’ll let you slide, but all members who have missed 6 check-ins following the September Check-In will be removed.
Fear not! If you’re removed for missing check-ins, you’re invited to pledge another year! We understand some years may be rougher than others, and we won’t hold an unexpectedly difficult year against you.