All members must participate in the monthly check-ins. Each month, members provide their current year-to-date (YTD) totals to the moderators. Your YTD word count or day count should never decrease. The YTD reflects all the words you wrote during the year (even if you later edit them out), or all the days you worked on writing during the year. You will only ever be required to provide numbers; sharing what is written is completely optional.
If you know you will be unavailable during the time frame for an upcoming check-in, you can request to be excused by completing the Membership Management Form available on the Members Only page or on the Dreamwidth community. A link to the form is also available at the bottom of each Check-In and Kick Off post and in the newsletter.
Following the May and September Check-Ins, the moderators will preform a Membership Clean Up to remove any lapsed accounts.
- After the May Check-in, if you have missed 4 check-ins, you will be removed from the community. If you check-in for May, we’ll consider your account active and not remove it.
- After the September Check-in, all members who have missed 6 check-ins will be removed.
A count of missed check-ins will be available on the Pledge Progress spreadsheet all members have access to.